Treasures on Eartth & Treasures in Heaven

“Take heed, and beware of all covetousness; for a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”

Excerpts, Gospel Reading, Monday 21st Oct. 2024 – LUKE 12:13-21.

So, the love of money and material possessions has always been so since time immemorial.

Was it not for love of money that Judas Iscariot betrayed Christ Jesus?

It was also for the lusting love for more possessions that God had to reject King Saul and turned against him.

King Saul was to annihilate the Amalekites including their entire livestock. However, when he and his soldiers saw how robustly alluring their livestock looked, they took possession of them under the guise that they would use them for sacrifice to God. For this disobedience, God rejected King Saul – 1 SAMUEL 15.

Nevertheless, the current craze in the love of money and material possessions has reached an all high and a feverish level.

One can write ions about this malady and would still just be scratching the surface.

However, the obvious one that is quite despicable and nauseating is the shameless life of ingratiating.

Those who indulge in this life tend to have value only for wealth and material possessions. And there, lies their allegiance and respect.

Honour, integrity and self-respect which are and should be the hallmark that stand a man out means nothing to such people.

When they perceive a whiff of seeming wealth from a dog, or when a pig flashes some change; there, their full attention would be riveted to. They are unfortunately also the loudest.

Some scumbag who has everly been known as such suddenly shows up with some money and he has earned their respect.

This is without prejudice to those who genuinely made their wealth. Notwithstanding, they will yet be ingratiated upon.

Unfortunately, these practices of over respecting and giving undue concessions to wealth or supposed wealth is gradually creeping into even our revered religious settings, traditional institutions and most regrettably, even our families also.

The most awfully despicable and disgusting behaviour exhibited by such people is their fleeting allegiance.

Once the oozing of the whiff of money is perceived to have waned, they, too, would quickly withdraw their allegiance, respect and honour and move on to the next new money.

Dear friend, to those of us that the adulation of praise singers gives us the kick to spread our feathers like peacocks as well as we the adulators who are goaded by our excessive lust for money, give close heed. Christ Jesus says in today’s teaching that, the most important wealth is that which we store up for ourselves in heaven.

You may want to give this some more thought in your quiet moment.

May God avail us His grace that we may permit His will to be realised in our life.

Have a fantastic day and a fulfilled week ahead, folks.

#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo
21st Oct. 2024

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