Focus on the Inside

“And the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of extortion and wickedness. You fools! Did not he who made the outside make the inside also?

Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Tuesday 15th Oct. 2024 – LUKE 11:37-41.

So, Sundays always see us adorning our ‘Sunday Special’ (reserved best outfits) looking beautifully dapper.

It gets so much so that some of us finds it difficult to kneel during the time at Mass when the congregation is required to kneel. Just for the sake of not to stain or get dirt on our ‘Sunday Special’.

Some of us, when we finally get that meanest latest style that turns eyes, we deliberately come a bit late for Mass.

Not late, late. But strategic late coming. That kind of lateness when the congregation is seated and the Mass is all set to start.

Then, we gorgeously walk in from the back, strauting like some preying mantis to the front. Make some gestures as if the place we intended to sit isnt that comfortable.

Them, we will straut back to the back roll. Only to sashay again to the middle row and get a seat some where there.

We compel ourselves to all of these unnecessary tortuous stress to seemingly attract the attention of people whom we do not know and most of whom at best do not care whether we are wearing mango leaves or ‘atampa’.

Nevertheless, we are most definitely going to score some cheap points especially with those people who are equally as vain as we are.

Dear friend, by all means, we should dress and look clean and gorgeous as much and as best as we can afford.

However, while at it, we mustn’t neglect our inside also or forego it for the sake of our outside.

Once we start becoming careful of taking care of our inside and steadily maintaining it carefully, I bet you, we will indulge less (if at all) about all those theatrics to impress people with our fashion style. Fashion ensemble will naturally just be a part of our usual lifestyle.

May we permit the grace of God in our life to enable us live our life worthy of His calling.

SAINT_THERESA_OF_AVILA! #Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

  • Akase F. Agabo
    15th Oct. 2024.

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