Living A New Life

“As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

Excerpt, First Reading, Tuesday 28th May 2024 – 1 PETER 1:10-16.

So, we all must have been conversant with this saying, “Old habits die hard.”

Then, there is this similar one, although, it’s a bit sarcastic, it goes thus, “If you take monkey wear am suit and you carry am go London come back, e go still behave like monkey.”

Some of us are very adept to change and we seamlessly adjust and conform very easily and flexibly. It is nevertheless, not so with yet some of us.

Today’s teaching is therefore, about those of us who are non-conformists or rigidly averse to change.

To such among us, we hear comments like, “Na so we been dey do am bifor.” Others are, “Na so we dey do am.” Meaning, that’s how we are used to doing it.

To some of us, in our former ways of life, Sundays are special days for ‘jollification’ (merry making). Therefore, we are adorn our Sunday special garments and fill our pockets with all we have been gathering through the week and set aside for this special day.

Some of us who still has a bit fear of God will first go to church and from there straight to the place of planned jolification for that week.

At the end of the day, some of us, na our head we dey take waka reach house. Whereas, to others, na carry dem dey everly carry dem come back house.

And for the ‘babarest’ (the legends) of them all, na dia nahim morning dey meet dem.

Those of us in this kind of league, we don’t necessarily need to have any money of our own in order to ‘jolificate’. All we need to do is just to be present. Others in the ‘brotherhood’ who filled their pockets we have us taken care of. As the saying goes, “The more the merrier.”

Needless to go on and on about that kind of life now that we are saved.

We have been saved from financial recklessness, as well as from been an embarrassment to ourselves and from constantly disgracing of families.

Now, are we not supposed to cut off frequenting all those ‘joints’ that we usually go to ‘soak’ our lives away?

Of course we should, because, when we pray that we shouldn’t be led into temptation, we too must be careful not to lead ourselves into temptation.

At this rate, no one is saying one should put an end to jolification o. Nevertheless, with this our new found life, we must certainly make adjustments to our time – T, operation – O and place – P.

In today’s teaching, the Apostle Peter is saying, now that we have been saved, once we close from church on Sunday, we should just ‘jejeli’ head home with our family and ‘jolificate’ together with whatever we have.

Dear friend, behold the old ways of life has passed and are gone, behold our new way of life. We must embrace it and remain holy just like Christ Who ransomed us is also holy.

Have a fantastic day folks.

#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo.

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