“Then turning to the disciples he said privately, “Blessed are the eyes which see what you see! For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.
Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Tuesday 3rd Dec. 2024 – LUKE 10:21-24.
So, we are privileged people who live during a privileged time.
We live at the time of the jet age, ICT, Social Media, AI, human cloning and the likes. Such a wonderful period to be alive.
We access information at the press of a button right there in our hands. Something hitherto in past generations, trips will have to be made.
The information we access from the internet and the contents made available to us on the social used to only be available to high class scholars researching for Masters Degree and PhD thesis.
With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), one can delve into a field of knowledge formerly alien to them yet make a good impression with their presentation if and when needed.
While many of us are capitalising on this supposedly free knowledge and effectively utilising it adequately, some of us are taking it for granted.
The likes of Albert Einstein as well as other great scholars of past age would have been amazed at living in times such as now.
So, also it is with some of our ancestors who never had the opportunity of hearing the Gospel and participating in the Holy Eucharist.
However, to some of us, the Gospel is already becoming nuisance to us.
Today’s teaching is about us, Christ is saying we are privileged to have access to the Gospel and participate at the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Spirit.
What we make of such privileges is all up to you and I.
Have a fantastic day folks.
#SAINT_FRANCIS_XAVIER! #Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!
– Akase F. Agabo
3rd Dec. 2024