What is Prayer?

“At that time: Jesus said to his disciples, “In praying do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Pray then like this: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. . . . . . . . . . . .”

Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Thursday 20th June 2024 – MATTHEW 6:7-15.

So, some of us are faithful apostles of this assertion, “See it, take it and run away with it.”

In light of the above claim, some of us have practically adopted and have since been practising what we understood of this part of the Holy Bible, “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. – MATTHEW 11:12.

It is therefore very common to hear some folks praying like this, “Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!”

We go ahead to say this word in sets, repeatedly.

Then, we will switch to the all time popular one, “Holy Ghost Fireeeeee! Fire! 15x. This we will continue in multiple sets.

Dear friend, just assuming one should approach you, requesting that you should talk to your boss on their behalf to sign the proposal they submitted to your office.

Then after saying this, the person would now go ahead and keep repeating the word, talk, talk, talk to the umpteenth time. After which they would switch to, “Your boss, boss, boss,, etc.

For goodness sake, wouldn’t one find that absurd and tiring?

If we that are mere mortals who give our attention to one thing at a time will still finds that absurd and tiring, talk less of God who has His attention on all the over 7 billion people in the world, not to talk about the fish in the water, birds in the air and the animals in the forest.

When, our friend approached us, the approach possibly went this way, “Good morning chairman. How do you do, I trust you had a good night rest. You obviously work really hard. Your boss is certainly blessed to have such a capable hand like you. I sincerely thank you for this privilege to have audience with you.

After all the pleasantries are over, as expected, the request will then be made.

Dear friend, the above is akin to the prayer taught by Christ in today’s teaching☝️above.

Prayer is a conversation between us who are praying and God Who is patiently listening to us. Would we want to wear Him away wit our verbal repetion?

By the way, assuming you are a father with many children. If one of them should approach you with a request to allow one of the siblings to die, just assuming you also have powers to take life.

No matter how much recalcitrant such sibling may be, what supposedly will be your reaction to such a request?

Now, that is same kind of position we put God into whenever we pray those our die, die, and fire, fire kind of prayer.

However, we have now been instructed on how to pray properly.

Have a fantastic day folks.

#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo.

The Psychology of Giving

“At that time: Jesus said to his disciples, “Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by them; for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. Thus, when you give alms, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by men. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Wednesday 19th June 2024 – MATTHEW 6:1-6. 16 – 18.

So, now that the economy has become so dire and the prices of ordinary food items are now rapidly rising, today’s teaching becomes quite apt.

The era we are in right now is that of giving or should be that of giving without counting the cost.

Once we are moved by the spirit to be generous to anyone or to any cause, we should yield to that spirit. It could be the Holy Spirit urging us on.

Sometimes we are prompted to be charitable to someone who appears neatly dressed but could be dissuaded by the supposed appearance of such a person.

Even such well dressed people could temporarily fall on unfortunate times. Their supposed appearance shouldn’t therefore count against them.

Although, more often than not, those who look good may not really need our charity. Nevertheless, if the spirit moves us to be generous to them, we must not hold back.

The good our generosity may do to them may not necessarily be in what was given but in the act of giving.

Then, there are others who are quite right very indigent and requires every little help that we can muster.

Nonetheless, whether we are able to help such people or not, they will not die of starvation. God has a way of taking care of His own.

Therefore, whenever we manage to give to such people, today’s teaching is saying that we must not go sounding it out to the world that if it were not for us, so-so-&-so-so person(s) would have since died of starvation.

Well, the world may get to hear us and praise us to the high heavens for our supposed generosity. However, Christ says, that will be all, nothing else.

A word is enough for the wise.

Have a fantastic day folks.

#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo

Is Christian Derogatory?

“So Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul; and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the Church, and taught a large company of people; and in Antioch the disciples were for the first time called Christians.”

Excerpt, First Reading, Tuesday 11th June 2024 – ACTS 11:21b-26; 13.1-3.

So, in other translations of the Holy Bible, this Antioch was particularly called Antioch in Syria. It was a chief centre of early Christianity during Roman times.

The name Antioch means: stubborn, resistant, holding fast.

Sadly, in the year 526, between 28th and 29th May, a strong earthquake struck the city of Antioch and an estimated 250,000 people perished.

Nevertheless, the city is still in existence, but now in southern Turkey. However, it has been renamed to Antakya and the town is now predominantly Muslim.

As we may have already known, Adamawa State is a derivation from Adama. The name means, the people of Adama. So, also the label ‘christians’ from Christ.

This label of ‘christian’ was first used as a derogatory word. It was an insult. There was a movement of people who were following the way of Christ, and they were growing. Therefore, the idol worshippers chose to refer to them as, ‘the Christ people’ hence the reference was shortened to ‘christians’.

This is very much like the moniker prevalent on the political scene in Nigeria now.

Where we have the likes of ATIKUkates, BATists, OBIdients, Kwankwasiya, etc. All representing Atiku Abubakar, Bola Tinubu, Peter Obi and Rabiu Kwankaso respectively.

Nevertheless, derogatory or not, if they saints or disciples (as they called themselves then) hadn’t acted and behaved like Jesus Christ, they wouldn’t have been so christened.

Dear friend, it is better folks christen as ‘mgbeke’, ‘holy-holy’, pastor, than one should be called devil’s advocate, traitor, talkative, ‘telephone-without-wire, etc.

Like Saint Barnabas, we too, must shape our ways so that such descriptions as used for him – “A good man, who is full of the Holy Spirit” would some day be used to describe us or make reference to us.

Have a fantastic day folks.

#SAINT_BARNABAS! #Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo

What Does it Mean to be Poor in Spirit.

“Seeing the crowds, Jesus went up on the mountain, and when he sat down his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Monday 10th June 2024 – MATTHEW 5:1-12.

So, Scripture scholars have posited that they expression, “Poor in spirit” means those who in word, in deed and in truth have renounced material wealth and have focused on God Almighty.

Some of us are so destitute that we have been passing the nights sleeping under the shed in front of the market on the bare floor or on torn cartons.

Others not so different, however, more privileged, have a place under the bridge where they sleep.

The more endowed among us have actual roofs over our head.

It really doesn’t matter if we live in thatched or concrete houses, it is sufficient that we have roof over our head and a place to come to and sleep peacefully.

Then there are those of is who live in palatial homes with almost every trapping of wealth and luxury completely available.

However, there is a common decimal recurring among all of us that dwell in all of these places.

The common thing is, once we lay down our head, we sleep soundly until at dawn.

Nevertheless, there are however some little differences between the seemingly destitute and those who dwell under a roof.

While some of us who have a comfortable bed and guards at our gate to ensure our safety while we sleep, we yet still need sleep inducing medications or other enhancing substances to induce sleep.

Meanwhile, the seemingly destitute or those in very less comfortable abodes just drift to sleep once we lay down our head.

Again, those of us in luxurious abodes more often, have bedside alarm clocks to wake us up at dawn, whereas, a good majority of us have never had the need to use any of such.

Now, have we noticed a trend or occurrence among the classes of people?

The more unattached to wealth or the less wealthy one is, the better the life or strain on life or stressful is life and vice versa.

The man who sleeps in luxury requires money to buy sleep inducing medications, pay guards to mount his gate and buy alarm clock to wake him.

So, Jesus’s teaching that heaven is for the poor in spirit, is only a background to further teachings stating that, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” – LUKE 18:25.

We mustn’t get this twisted, God is not against having wealth, neither is he against those who are rich. As a matter of fact, God is the giver of wealth.

God is only concerned about we turning to the wealth He permitted us to have for security instead of relying on Him.

Sometimes, it is also how we were able to get such riches that could also get us to becoming docile to the assured protection from God.

Now, if one were to be God, won’t we deem it treacherous if that same who slept on the bare floor and relied completely on God for everything eventually grows to become that person in a palatial house who now relies on his money to buy him sleep and safety, and waking up?

Now, the difference between these two kinds of personality may not necessarily be the riches, but probably how they were acquired.

And that, my dear friend, is God’s concern.

We must be wealthy, but ensure that we are also poor in spirit rather than become rich at all cost for temporal luxury in this world and lose the Kingdom of Heaven.

Have a fantastic day and a fulfilled week ahead folks.

#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! ##Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo.

When We Deitify Necessities.

“Beloved: You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your fathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. He was destined before the foundation of the world but was made manifest at the end of the times for your sake.”

Excerpt, First Reading, Wednesday 29th May 2024 – 1 PETER 1 : 15-25.

So, history has it that, before the advent of Christianity, people in the world were predominantly idol worshippers.

Recall the letters of Saint Paul to Timothy? He cautioned him to be weary of a certain Alexander a cooper smith who vehemently anatomized him – 2 TIMOTHY 4:14-16.

Recall also his sermon to the Areopagites at Athens, “For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription: ‘To the unknown god. ‘ What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you.” – ACTS 17:23-31.

In Africa, we too, also had our various fetish practices which were mostly represented by carved wooden or clay images which our people of that era referred to as representing their gods.

Also, there were other wicked practices like the killing of twins as well as killing innocent people in the name of using them to escort a monarch who passed on.

Others were compelling a widow to pass the night alone in a room with the corpse of her deceased husband as well as making her drink the slimy water used in washing the corpse.

There were yet other social practices like getting a wife for a man who has come of age but probably living in a distant land. The supposed wife would be sent to him and the total strangers will hence live as husband and wife.

Regrettably, we still have such practices even up to this day happening. These fetish acts are going on not just in Africa but in all the continents of the world as you read this.

It is regrettable because, it could be excused during those era when we were still ignorant. However, to what can we attribute it to now that the world has known better and it has since been proven that such practices are futile and the deities are mere images without any consequences? – “You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. – EXODUS 20:3-4.

Nevertheless, my dear friend, while we may decry such fetishes, we too, in some ways may still be indulging in idols or idolising.

At those fetish platforms, when an unauthorised person touches any item there, it is always regarded as a desecration and abominable. Such a person may or would be required to undergo some penance or make some sacrifices of do the both.

Now, come the era of the smart phone 📱 In the home where there’s possibly just the husband and his wife, each of them their smart phone is akin to such fetish platforms of yester-years.

Our phones are now so guarded that they have now assumed the nuances of demi-gods in our life.

The way an avowed idol worshipper would cringe when someone goes near his deities is how some of us are now affected when our spouse touches our phone.

This is despite that we have protected the phone with passwords. Yet we still fret when our supposed better half touches our phone.

The phone is usually the last thing we touch before turning in at night and the first thing we touch once we get up.

My dear friend, now that you are married, what is that thing we are doing so secretive that makes our phone to be so prohibitive to our spouse?

If between God and man we are aware that the cause of our action is not honourable, then it must not be lost on us that we are just courting a disaster that is just waiting to happen.

Today is another best opportunity to come out clean 🙌 or desist from our dishonorable ways for the sake of our sanity and that of our spouse and for the good of our nucleus and nuclear family.

When it happens, as it will most definitely happen, we mustn’t go blaming the devil. Na we bi our own devil gan-gan.

Have a fantastic day folks.

#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo.

Living A New Life

“As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

Excerpt, First Reading, Tuesday 28th May 2024 – 1 PETER 1:10-16.

So, we all must have been conversant with this saying, “Old habits die hard.”

Then, there is this similar one, although, it’s a bit sarcastic, it goes thus, “If you take monkey wear am suit and you carry am go London come back, e go still behave like monkey.”

Some of us are very adept to change and we seamlessly adjust and conform very easily and flexibly. It is nevertheless, not so with yet some of us.

Today’s teaching is therefore, about those of us who are non-conformists or rigidly averse to change.

To such among us, we hear comments like, “Na so we been dey do am bifor.” Others are, “Na so we dey do am.” Meaning, that’s how we are used to doing it.

To some of us, in our former ways of life, Sundays are special days for ‘jollification’ (merry making). Therefore, we are adorn our Sunday special garments and fill our pockets with all we have been gathering through the week and set aside for this special day.

Some of us who still has a bit fear of God will first go to church and from there straight to the place of planned jolification for that week.

At the end of the day, some of us, na our head we dey take waka reach house. Whereas, to others, na carry dem dey everly carry dem come back house.

And for the ‘babarest’ (the legends) of them all, na dia nahim morning dey meet dem.

Those of us in this kind of league, we don’t necessarily need to have any money of our own in order to ‘jolificate’. All we need to do is just to be present. Others in the ‘brotherhood’ who filled their pockets we have us taken care of. As the saying goes, “The more the merrier.”

Needless to go on and on about that kind of life now that we are saved.

We have been saved from financial recklessness, as well as from been an embarrassment to ourselves and from constantly disgracing of families.

Now, are we not supposed to cut off frequenting all those ‘joints’ that we usually go to ‘soak’ our lives away?

Of course we should, because, when we pray that we shouldn’t be led into temptation, we too must be careful not to lead ourselves into temptation.

At this rate, no one is saying one should put an end to jolification o. Nevertheless, with this our new found life, we must certainly make adjustments to our time – T, operation – O and place – P.

In today’s teaching, the Apostle Peter is saying, now that we have been saved, once we close from church on Sunday, we should just ‘jejeli’ head home with our family and ‘jolificate’ together with whatever we have.

Dear friend, behold the old ways of life has passed and are gone, behold our new way of life. We must embrace it and remain holy just like Christ Who ransomed us is also holy.

Have a fantastic day folks.

#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo.

Even A Little Matters A Lot

“You lack one thing; go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” At that saying his countenance fell, and he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions. And Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it will be for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!” And the disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said to them again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Monday 27th May 2024 – MARK 10:17-27.

So, those of us who are very wealthy in the true sense of the word and are equally very humble and down to earth should and must be respected. As a matter of fact, such a persons should be revered, as some people would even tend to fear them.

Whereas, to some of us, having some change in our bank account as well as a few coins in our pocket, that, obscures our fair sense of judgement and gives us some kind of a feeling of omnipotence.

To those kinds among us in the first reference, the wealth is just a means to and end, to be used just to make life more fluid. They are aware that it is ephemeral, so, it can finish or waste away. However, life as well as the inter-personal relationship between one person to another is invaluable, therefore, it is and should be most important.

To the second kind of us, we assume the wealth to be our world and security, therefore, we guard it with our life and turn our back to the rest of the world.

As such, we become knowingly or unknowingly arrogant, unfeeling and recalcitrant to the feeling and plight of others around us. We tend to feel the world lives to satisfy us.

It is to those of us that Christ Jesus refers in today’s teaching.

If our wealth obscures us from the plight of the needy, we too are guilty.

Now, the term ‘wealthy ‘isn’t and shouldn’t be reserved only for the likes of Elon Musk and Aliko Dangote.

When we have any piece of clothing in our closet or boxes that we haven’t used for (to be fair and realistic) upwards of 36 months, then, we possibly do not need them. We must find those whom such clothing would be useful to and give them.

If we can spare 10k, 5k, even urgent 2k and pittance like just N200 to those in dare need, ‘without drastically hurting our livelihood,’ then we too are wealthy, therefore, we should and must render such help whenever the need arises and we are capable of it.

Sometimes, we get scared that what we give could be used to fetishly get at us. That is hogwash, nevertheless, if we fear too much, there are yet other proxy avenues that we can reach the down trodden with the little that we have to give.

There are such bodies like the Salvation Army. In our various Catholic Parishes, we have the Saint Vincent de Paul Society.

Dear friend, if and whenever we can, we kindly should.

Some children in a suburb not really far away from us could be struggling with life for the lack of malaria medication that costs not more two thousand Naira.

There are children right now going to school practically bare feet for lack of rubber sandals that may cost not more than one thousand two hundred Naira.

HRH Muhammadu Sanusi II, said a child passed on in the arms of the mother who was waiting on queue to have audience with the emir during Palace session. The cause of death was later found out to be malaria. The emir said he wept.

My dear friend, can we now also see what the little that we too can do will go a long way?

We must remember that charity atones for many sins.

A little matters a lot.

Have a fantastic day and a fulfilled week ahead.

#HAPPY_CHILDREN’S_DAY! #Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo.

Sacredness of the Marriage Institution.

“Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”

Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Friday 24th May 2024 – MARK 10:1-12.

So, this is ☝️ Jesus Christ Himself speaking against divorce in marriage.

Unfortunately, the issue of divorce is now even minor in our world compared to things we are now referring to be like the sacred institution of marriage.

While Christ emphatically talked about marriage with reference to him and her, maintaining the indissolubility of this sacred institution, the world has since gone pass making common the sacred instruction of indissolubility and we are presently grappling with the heresy of him and him as well her and her in what some people now suppose it to be a marriage.

It is so much disturbing, in that, even preacher men who should know better and lead by example in upholding the sanctity of the institution of marriage have been severally involved in the imbroglio of divorce, thereby giving it vent to fester and multiply.

Dear friend, marriage is a sacred institution ordained by the Almighty God. Only the death of a partner brings it to end when it is validly contracted and consummated.

Then comes the worrisome devilish act of same set union that is fastly gaining traction and support from high places, thereby supposedly making a mockery of the sane minds who choose to practice the union of marriage in its natural course.

Dear friend, many reasons have been advanced for the now multiplicity of divorce cases and the devilish act of gay unions. Nevertheless, none of such reasons or opinions is tenable.

Dear friend, God permits only the union of a male man and a female woman in the sacred institution of marriage.

Therefore, anything short of the☝️ above, the people are just actors pretending to be in a supposed marriage or sometime that is like a marriage

The simple instruction goes thus, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” – MATTHEW 6:33.

My dear friend, if and when we take serious the biblical instruction from the Gospel according to Matthew☝️above, we will not be busy giving excuses to permit such excesses.

Folks, have a fantastic day and a pleasant weekend.

#The_Blessed_Virgin_Mary _Help_of_Christians! #Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo.

Championing Delinquency.

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung round his neck and he were thrown into the sea.”

Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Thursday 23rd May 2024 – MARK 9:41-50.

So, sometimes, our actions or inactions cause other people to fall into sin unwillingly, but sometimes, quite regrettably, wilfully, too.

For example, stopping at the traffic light, the vehicle we are driving could be higher than the ones behind us. If after waiting for some seconds and we decide to just charge through, we have erred before the law.

That singular act may bring about series of other reactions.

The vehicles behind us unaware that the light hasn’t turned green yet and having not checked, may also follow the erring vehicle.

This may cause accident, bringing about several damages and even threat to life.

In all of this, the erring vehicle may have wriggled it way out of the traffic logjam that may have ensued and has since gone.

Rest assured, any of us who so does such would definitely share in the wrath of that sin as well as any death that may occur, to talk less of the law.

When we have upper hand on others and we tend to become bullies, we could be affecting the psychological well-being of our victims.

And when these victims in future become socio-paths or psycho-paths and start affecting the society wrongly, rest assured, we share in whatever sins they perpetrate.

Even those of us who dress flagrantly, we are equally culpable.

In our thinking and opinion, we could be dressing for ourselves, to make us feel good. Nevertheless, the world is not blind. Of course, the rest of the world may turn a blind eye to us, though, we could have already abused the sensibilities of all those who deliberately chose to turn a blind eye to us.

Since sinning also includes our thoughts, when those whose sensibilities we have abused start harbouring sinful thoughts as a result of what they saw of our dressing, rest assured, we will most definitely share in their sinfulness.

When a child in our home gets up in the morning and doesn’t greet any of their elderly ones, we must correct that child. If we notice this and are less concerned or deliberately refuse to correct that child, we have not only sinned by our inaction , we also share in the delinquency that may arise from the dismal nurturing of the child.

That’s why, my dear friend, when we do penance, we pray for the sins we have committed knowingly and unknowingly, from our thoughts, actions and inactions as well as omissions.

Dear friend, Christ Jesus in today’s teaching says of us so guilty, that it is better if a heavy millstone were tied round our neck and we are thrown into the sea.

This☝️ is heavy, mark it and take note.

May God grant us the grace to avoid leading others to sin knowingly and unknowingly from our actions and inactions.

Have a fantastic day folks.

#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo.

Abazi Kusasa – By the Grace of God.

“Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and get gain”; whereas you do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and we shall do this or that.””

Excerpt, First Reading, Wednesday 22nd May 2024 – JAMES 4:13-17.

So, there is this saying that is quite common with elderly people, especially when they speak to younger ones. Its simply goes thus, “Tomorrow is pregnant.”

Such a statement always brings to mind the admiration one has for some African names, like, “Onyemaechi” (who knows tomorrow) – Igbo language, Nigeria.

Others are, “Orfega” (who knows or none can tell the future) – Tiv language, Nigeria. Abazi kusasa (who knows tomorrow) – Zulu language, South Africa. Etc

The truth is that, the Almighty God is the only One Who knows tomorrow from today. This is rightly so because, He is the Supreme Being and the Owner of creation.

This is the very reason why we have imported into our moral lexicon some religious injunctions like advised by the Apostle James in today’s teaching.

Therefore, when we will refer to or talk about the future, some of us do usually add, “By the grace of God” or “By God’s grace” or ‘God willing” or “By the will of God.”

Some Muslims will always say, “Insha Allah” when they refer to or talk about the future. This also directly translates as, “By the grace of God.”

Since we have no power over how tomorrow could be shaped, we therefore, should and must base all our intentions and plans through the grace of God.

Anything short of this is folly, since as mortals, we are just a breathe away from making or not making tomorrow.

Dear friend, it isn’t being over-religious when we use such expressions ☝️ above in our every day lives. It’s simply been realistic. This is just because we don’t know tomorrow.

Nevertheless, the Almighty God, He alone Who knows our tomorrow from today has assured us that we shouldn’t bother about tomorrow. Rather, we should have faith and believe, cast our lots on Him and commit our tomorrow unto Him. Orfega, Insha Allah, tomorrow go beta.

Have a fantastic day folks.

#SAINT_RITA_OF_CASCIA! #Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo.