Faith in God not Man.

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”

Excerpt, First Reading, Thursday 20th March 2025 – JEREMIAH 17:5-10.

So, we are aware that nature has so made it that no matter where trees are planted, there comes a particular season in the year when they must shed their leaves so as to grow new ones.

This applies even also to a tree that grows beside an all season flowing water body.

So, also it is with each of us who puts their trust in the Lord.

Though, the Lord is with us as our shield, protector and provider, we are yet not immune from the life of mere mortals.

Therefore, we will still fall sick. Nevertheless, the ailment will not claim our life. Even if it fatally ends, our soul will yet not be lost.

We will also toil and sweat to earn our daily living as do other mortals. Only, by the blessings of the Lord, our toils and sweat shall meet and satiate our needs.

As we traverse through life, we will meet those who will cheat us as well as those who will steal from us. However, due to the shield of the Lord on us, no matter how much that will be taken from us, yet we will not will never go under or be grounded.

People will lie against us and say all manner of calumnies against us, just so as to vilify us to the world. Yet, in all of these, His banner over us that is love, will vindicate us from them all.

My dear friend, such it is, when we put all our faith, hope and trust in God without faltering, wavering or giving up.

And, like a tree that sheds its leaves, after every storm, we will bounce back renewed, refreshed and stronger.

Have a fantastic day folks.

#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

-Akase F. Agabo
20th March 2025.

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