“In the course of time Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground, and Abel brought some of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering he had no regard. So Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell.”
Excerpt, First Reading, Monday 17th February 2025 – GENESIS 4:1-15.25.
So, today’s teaching is about giving, charity and thanksgiving.
God doesn’t see the way we mortals do, He sees the heart.
Two people could come for thanksgiving, one would come with a cow and the other with a chicken.
It is only God Who sees and knows the heart of these two individuals that can tell and bless accordingly.
Now, lets look at these situations and juxtapose them one to another.
The man bearing a cow, he could be capable of presenting 100 cows and he wouldn’t be shaken as God has so blessed him.
Therefore, he comes to the altar joyfully presenting one cow to God with all good intent, purpose and sincerity. He may have set aside a fraction from his abundance to positively impart other people’s lives away from the church.
Alternatively, the man’s aim of presenting a live cow in thanksgiving to God could be just to flaunt the wealth freely given to him by God. This may be just so that anyone who cares to notice may realise that he has arrived.
The man who presents a chicken in thanksgiving to God may be doing so with all good intent and purpose.
With the way prices of items have so increased in the market, the cost of buying that chicken could be a good fraction from his monthly income.
The chicken may even possibly be the man’s only domestic animal at home that he has taken to offer to God.
Alternatively, that man can afford a whole poultry farm of chickens to offer to God in thanksgiving.
However, the man could be giving so niggardly because he doesn’t want anyone who cares to notice that he has very much.
His purpose may just be so that those who took notice of his quantum of gift may not come begging at the gate of his house.
Abobi, God no force anybody make e give am anything o. God no go hungry if we no give am. Him no come down from heaven come beg anybodi make dem give am.
Come to think of it, whatever we have or we think we possess has been given to us freely by God.
Then again, if we think we now have so much and we want the world to know and acknowledge us, then we can go and be like Aliko Dangote.
Dangote conquered the business in cement, sugar and went into petroleum and conquered it too. Just as if that’s not enough, he ventured into automobile manufacturing.
Dangote Peugeot Automobile (DPAN) has commence manufacturing Peugeot 3008 GT SUV as well as pickup vans and other vehicles in Kaduna.
My dear friend, the only way that people will know that you have arrived and they will feel the impart of the arrival of your wealth is when such wealth positively impart their lives. Just like Dangote.
Well, that is why God looked favourably at the offerings made by Abel and looked down on that made by his brother Cain.
Have a fantastic day and a fulfilled week folks.
#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!
– Akase F. Agabo
17th February 2025.