“Then he touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be done to you.” And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly charged them, “See that no one knows it.” But they went away and spread his fame through all that district.”
Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Friday 6th Dec. 2024 – MATTHEW 9-27-31.
So, today’s teaching is about those times when it is just practically impossible not to be disobedient.
What on earth to you want those formerly blind men to say to inquisitive people or how do Christ intend that they react when questioned?
Firstly, Christ took the blind men into the house, away from the prying eyes of other people where he restored their sight.
So, when they came out, now, no longer blind and when people ask them how did it happen?
Should they ignore those pertinent questions and rather continue in their ululation? Or, probably just keep saying, “What’s your business?” Or “Why are you asking?” Or “Why do you want to know?”
As it is and as we are already aware, people would first be most interested in asking and getting to know the what, when, where, who and how over and above really wanting to join the formerly blind people to rejoice. Unfortunately, even members of their families will be likewise.
The healing of this two blind men happened just after Christ has restored life to the deceased daughter of Jarius. That, too, was done away from people’s gaze.
However, do we all noticed that even when they defiled Christ’s instructions and continued to broadcast it to all who wish to hear about what happened to them, they did not become blind again or neither did they suddenly became mad.
Unfortunately, as we have watched in a plethora of Nollowood films, if it were one ‘babalawo/mamalawo’ (diviners) who purportedly healed them, they would have been given some conditions consequence upon which if they are defaulted, there would be a reversal of the healing or worse consequences.
God’s kind of blessing is not some kind of lending. God gives freely and freely too, He asks us to give.
While not discountenancing returning to give thanks, it was never herd that the remaining 9 who didn’t return to thank Christ Jesus after the were cleansed of leprosy became leprous again.
Dear friend, God’s gift is unconditional.
Folks, have a fantastic day and a pleasant weekend.
#SAINT_NICHOLAS! #Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!
– Akase F. Agabo
6th Dec. 2024