Know this and Know Peace

“What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go in search of the one that went astray? And if he finds it, truly, I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray.”

Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Tuesday 10th Dec. 2024 – MATTHEW 18:12-14.

So, most of us may regard the above assertion as foolish or wasteful until such a time when we happen to be that one that has gone astray and needs to be helped.

Sometimes, when we find ourselves going astray, it could be due to decisions we have made. Whereas at other times what is obfuscating us may be way beyond us.

Notwithstanding the situation, we tend to be vehemently keen on our own ways believing them to be the best for us until we end up having to find our self alone just by our self.

A young man who has come of age but still under the benevolent care of his parents may choose to go a path that is destructive.

All measures to counsel that young man aright may fall on deaf ears. As far as he’s concerned, the whole world is wrong, just he alone is right.

A woman whose husband provides for all her material and emotional needs still gets adulterous.

The exhilaration of her escapades will blind and deafen her to all entreaties of caution to desist.

When we sit down to some beer, even that there are over a million and one issues we can engage for discussion, we choose to make one of our friends our topic. Unfortunately, even men do this these days.

Then, immediately after we disperse, one of us, he who brought up the issue will call that friend and tell him what so, so and so persons supposedly said about them. It is quite deplorable that this is also now very prevalent among we men. Very sad.

Nevertheless, Christ, is saying, He and to a large extent, we, too, mustn’t give up on any of these people until the very last of us is extricate from these ways.

Dear friend, it is time we rolled up our sleeves and walk the talk to save that brother, that sister, that friend and that colleague, even the foe we so love gossiping about, before they finally sink into the abyss.

If we can do even the most little that we can to help them but we didn’t, we have automatically shared of their doom. And the guilt of their destruction will eternally haunt us.

My dear friend, we must know this to know peace.

Have a fantastic day folks.

#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo
10th Dec. 2024.

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