Let Love Lead

“Why do your disciples not live according to the tradition of the elders, but eat with hands defiled?” And he said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, ‘This people honours me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men. ’ You leave the commandment of God, and hold fast the tradition of men.” And he said to them, “You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God, in order to keep your tradition”

Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Tuesday 11th February 2025 – MARK 7:1-13.

So, at Mass, while the lector was taking the first proclamation for that day, one of the women in the choir, her baby suddenly started crying. Albeit, quite loudly.

The officiating Priest at that Mass, who also happens to be the Parish Priest, wasted no time, he charged from his seat like a vexatious wounded lion.

There was fire brimming from his eyes and his voice shrieking, betraying a venomous countenance. The whole scenario was quite damning.

He bellowed from his position at the sanctuary, ordering the woman, “Take that child out of the Church!”

These women, when the sing with their piercing enlivening voices and play their local musical instruments, with the way they gesticulate, even if one does not understand a single word from the language they sing in, one would not help but be equally enchanted.

Their singing and music is capable of bringing back life to a drooping spirit.

To one who is encapsulated by the worries of this world and is only bodily present at Mass, the music and singing of these women are enough to jostle such a soul back to reality.

One will hardly be at Mass and not be positively imparted by the Zumuntan Mata Choir.

It is the vivacious spirit of an equally vivacious soul that was going to be quenched just for the wailing of what is in actuality a blessing from God. Her child.

Granted, the shrieks of a baby at that part of the Mass could be so frustrating. But if we tend to be that mad at it, then, it would be rather that babies are not brought to church.

The rule stipulated at most of our worship centres is that, when children are crying, they should be taken outside. This is just so that other worshippers will not be distracted.

Nevertheless, the primary and most important reason for the convening of a worshipping community is for love and to share and participate in the outpouring of the unmerited love of the Almighty Father unto us.

Therefore, if not less a person, than the chief shepherd of such a congregation is so angered and left at the mercies of his emotions, even rudely interrupting the ongoing proclamation, what would the sheep take home? He should and must be empathetic and be the foremost in showing good example.

It is such encapsulating uncontrollable cease of emotions that cause most free-for-all and jungle justice.

My dear friend, we must learn to take charge of our emotions.

Before the Almighty Father, we are all one. It is just posterity and the privileges of society that temporary place one ahead of another. We must respect humanity and let love lead.

Dear friend, there is a difference between criticism and criticising. There is also a wide gap between correcting and attacking. There is also a difference between approach and confrontation. Just like there is a difference between advice and order and mocking.

Granted, rules and regulations are for us and for our good, but we must implement them with a human face.

Sometimes, we lie to ourselves that some people, that is the only language they understand.

Well, it will remain quite pleasing to us treating others as such, while we also enjoy seeing them been yelled at like animals until the tables turn on us.

Have a fantastic day folks.

#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo
11th February 2025.

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