Lost Through Eternity

“Moses spoke to the people, saying, “See, I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil. If you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you this day, by loving the Lord your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, then you shall live and multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you . . . . . . . . . . . .”

Excerpt, First Reading, Thursday 6th March 2025 – DEUTERONOMY 30:15-20.

So, the choice has always been ours, to either do good and live or follow the ways of the world and perish.

The instructions given by the Prophet Moses above were simple, “ Love God and love your neighbour as yourself.” Simple!

If we are going to do something not good to someone else, and on a second thought we feel that if that were done to us, we will be hurt, that is our conscience speaking to us. That, my dear friend is the voice of God speaking reason to us.

At this rate and at this point, we have the option of making the choice of heeding the voice of reason or going it our way.

However, Christ Jesus in today’s teaching says, what will become of our soul if and when we keep going it our way by taking other people’s lands and other properties, grabbing monies budgeted for public good and syphoning them into private accounts, importing and distributing fake and substandard products, sleeping around . . . . . .?

When we have gained all the riches and pleasures of this world, what then will become of our soul when we pass on?

It is not as if we are geared not to be prosperous. Recall that Moses said above that, once we follow the commandments of the Lord God, we shall prosper and multiply and God will bless us.

What could most likely be getting us to go the way of the world could be our greed.

My dear friend, even if we have gone so deep into having it our way by going the way of the world, this Lenten season provides us yet another opportunity to have a redress.

The doors of the Church are always and ever open, we may begin by first going for confession.

Christ says, what will it profit us if we gain the whole world and lose our soul?

My dear friend, eternity is way too long a period of time to be lost in just for the temporal gains of our impatience that we pressure to enjoy here.

Have a fantastic day folks.

#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo
6th March 2025.

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