New Kind of Missionaries.

“Jesus called to him the Twelve, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. He charged them to take nothing for their journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belts; but to wear sandals and not put on two tunics. And he said to them, “Where you enter a house, stay there until you leave the place.”

Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Thursday 6th February 2025 – MARK 6:7-13.

So, the instructions above☝️given by Christ to his apostles was an on advise simply on the need to travel light.

The instructions conclude by saying, Where you enter a house, stay there until you leave the place.”

Dear friend, we too (i.e you and I), we are also on a missionary journey here on earth.

Whereas we may not be physically healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf and speech to the dumb and casting out unclean spirits, we may yet be carrying out the same feats by the virtue of our everyday life.

A kind word to someone or a heart-to-heart conversation with someone depressed with a drooping spirit on the brink of giving it all up may have them rescind their decision and want to give the ways of God some more trial.

The way we may respond to someone on any of the popular social media Apps, though, they see, but it may unblind them to get to see and discover that their ways about crawling the internet are not necessarily the only way. That there are saner, better and more effective ways of communicating and making their point that would engender a more effective understanding.

Sometimes, some people deliberately test our patience just to rile us up. However, our uncommon quietness, patience and tolerable disposition may win them over. Even if it not right there over to us. But the impression we have imparted on them may eventually win them over to God.

Therefore, today’s teaching is duly instructing us that we too, mustn’t take on our journey extra luggage that would slow us down and may derail us on our course like hatred, malice, jealousy, greed, selfishness, unsavoury desire and restlessness on the things of the groins and the likes, as well as other worldly passions.

Once we rid ourselves of all such and get focused on God and our course, we, too, may by our ways, without necessarily having to preach, restore sight to those, though seeing, but may be blind.

Our ways may also restore life to others, though alive, but may have given up on lige and are just simply walking corpses.

Then, the second instruction, not to move from house-to-house.

This simply implies that, we must watch and curb our tongue. What one did not say can never get one into trouble. We should and must be wise.

Have a fantastic day folks.

##SAINT_PAUL_MIKI_AND_COMAPNIONS! #Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!

– Akase F. Agabo
6th Feb. 2025.

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