“And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges, and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled. For I tell you, none of those men who were invited shall taste my banquet. ”’
Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Tuesday 5th Nov. 2024 – LUKE 14:15-24.
So, how will it seem to one, if the children of the house watch helplessly from afar, while former servants and known wanderers take possession of and enjoy their supposed inheritance?
Simply put in another way, Emeka and his siblings who grew up as privileged children would now be cast away from their father’s property. The people who formerly served them and some village loafers would now have privileged places in their supposed house. Whereas, he as well as his siblings will have to make do taking their bath at the village stream.
Tufiakwa! Olorun maje! Allah ya sauke! That is never gonna happen. Not in this life time.
Well, we can swear and reject it all we can. But such, my dear friend, is going to very likely be our lot at the gate heaven. Any which way depends on us.
See, there is a very distinct example in what played out with the two thieves crucified along side with Christ Jesus.
By the utterances of the thieves hanging crucified at the left and right sides of Christ Jesus one could risk to deduce their positions.
One of them possibly had heard about Christ before and knows something about him, his ways and teachings. So he mocked him.
The other, possibly just perceived that Christ was a good man. This thief whom we will later come to know Him as St Dismas – the Patron Saint of repented thieves, that very day made heaven, by virtue of what he made with the little he knew or just perceived about Christ Jesus.
My dear friend, whatever we make of what is constantly put before us daily in trying to shape our ways and our life will determine whether the lot of Emeka and his siblings awaits us, or the type of glory freely bestowed on St Dismas.
May God avail us the grace to permit His will to be realised in our life.
Have a fantastic day folks.
#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!
-Akase F. Agabo
5th Nov. 2024