“Who do men say that I am?” And they told him, “John the Baptist; and others say, Elijah; and others one of the prophets.” And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.”
Excerpt, Gospel Reading, Thursday 20th February 2025 – MARK 8:27-33.
So, before attempting to answer the question Christ put to his apostles or getting to ask the same question about ourselves to our friends, we must first ask ourselves the same question, “Who am I?”
The “Who am I” question is a very pertinent one.
This is very crucial because, some of us have several personalities, such that, sometimes they tend to even confused us.
A man who is not only revered but equally feared by is loving family would outside be called baby by some little girl about the age of his last child or even younger. Such a girl would be rubbing her hand on his head and ordering him around like some puppet master.
Only for the same man to return home and continue assuming that tough, stern faced husband and father.
Look at the former CBN Governor, while not saying he is guilty of the charges levelled against him in the courts of law, however, who ever knew that he also has the personality he now displays whenever it is his day in court?
Dude now clutches a very big book that looks like the Holy Bible.
If one tenth of the charges brought against him in court are true, then one will have cause to doubt if the book he clutches were a Bible.
And, if it truly were the Holy Bible, one would be compelled to ask if he has always had that personality of reading the Holy Bible, or, he only gleaned it in the course of his incarceration and trials?
My dear friend, if while at home, at the church, on the street, at the places where we earn our livelihood we maintain the same personality, then, we know who we are.
Then, we can also proudly and confidently say who Christ is, at least even if not to the world, but to us.
Dear friend, when in your closet today, ask yourself , “Who am I” and be sincere to yourself in giving the answer.
Have a fantastic day folks.
#Blessed_Carlo_Acutis! #Pray_for_us!
– Akase F. Agabo
20th February 2025.